Monday, September 12, 2011

37 Weeks

I've come to the determination that people who claim that pregnancy is a "wonderful and beautiful" experience are on crack. Especially these last few weeks, they are extremely uncomfortable. I mean don't get me wrong, I am very excited about having this little guy, I am very bonded to him already, but the process of getting him ready to make his grand appearance is not something that I have found particularly enjoyable. 

I find that in the process of growing a child, I have become a child's toy myself and am slowly but surely turning into a Weeble. I move like one and trust me my balance is the same. I've actually been standing still and started to wobble for no apparent reason. 

Also one question I have for all the pregnant women out there...what on EARTH is up with people saying anything and everything to you and feeling like they are entitled to do so? Suddenly your belly is public property for everyone to fondle and rub seemingly for good luck. Everyone suddenly feels the urge to comment on your size and your apparent you weren't painfully aware and self conscious enough. Not to mention everyone who has had kids suddenly wants to tell you about their experience like yours will be the exact same and utterly wrong if it doesn't.

So I cannot wait to be done with this whole pregnancy experience for now. I doubt I'll be one that looks back fondly and wistfully to when I was preggo...I want children and will do what I need to do in order to have them, but enjoy being miserable for 9 months...not so much. I know I will at least have the "it's all worth it" perspective once it's all over with. As my little guy has already shown some very entertaining personality traits I am very anxious to meet him and see what he looks like, how he acts, is he more like Eddie or me? So many things I ponder as I wait impatiently for him to make his grand appearance. 

I can at least take comfort in the fact that I know in a few short weeks he will be here. Then I get to have a new list of things to complain about with having a newborn. I have one more week of calm then there's the traveling with the move, unpacking, getting his nursery ready...and settled into a new town to preoccupy my time until he gets here. I have a feeling I should take advantage of these moments of peace while they last. 

OK that's all for now...will write more soon.